Journey to The Journey

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This topsy-turvy, chaotic mess is the world we live in. It often feels that there is nowhere to turn for encouragement and nothing but shifting sand beneath our feet. We aren't alone in our predicament. It's been this way throughout history. We aren't the first generation to experience this and we surely won't be the last. So, what are we to do?

What's the best news that you have ever received? Maybe that you or your spouse were pregnant? Maybe that you received a promotion you had worked hard for at work? Maybe you got a clean bill of health after a long, hard battle with sickness or disease? Maybe the news wasn't even about you, but rather it concerned a loved one? Regardless of what the "good news" may have been, I'm willing to bet that you could hardly contain yourself from screaming it from the nearest rooftop!

In the biblical narrative, the role of the shepherd is often important. God's chosen king of his people, King David, came from humble roots as a lowly shepherd. Later, he would pen numerous psalms that use shepherd imagery in worship towards God (none more famous than Psalm 23). The New Testament authors would use the term "shepherd" to describe the role of elders in caring for the Church. As we studied this week, the birth of Jesus was first announced to shepherds out in the fields keeping watch over their flocks. And of course, it probably isn't insignificant that of the seven "I am" statements of Jesus, two are related to the work of shepherds.

This week we started a 4 week Advent series where we are focusing on the incarnation of Christ. What is so significant about the incarnation that we would take an entire month to focus on it? Why are so many other churches doing the same? I've heard this word Advent before, but I don't really understand what all the fuss is about! If those questions and thoughts have run through your mind, you aren't alone. For many people, when they think about Christmas, there is a long list of things that come to mind well before they ever even begin to think about the incarnation. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that for the majority of people who will celebrate Christmas in this country and around the world this year, Jesus doesn't even factor into the equation. Yikes! How did we get here???