Mar 28
Let's Be Free in our Worship
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
This Sunday we’re starting a new teaching series through the book of Hebrews! There’s always something special about the first Sunday of a new study. Gathering on that first Sunday always renews an excitement in my heart to teach God’s people. However, this weekend feels a little awkward though doesn’t it? Here we sit in a stay-home order that’s sure to last the entire month of April. I don’t like that we can’t physically gather, it’s not ideal. I’m not cut out to be a YouTube-preacher and I miss seeing your faces more than you know. All that being said, I’m no less excited to study through this season together!
Keep ReadingMar 28
Let's Be Free in our Worship
Mar 23
Join us in prayer & worship tomorrow morning as we take a plunge into such deep theological waters at The Journey. John 5:16-29 is where we'll see Jesus himself giving a formal, systematic, orderly defense of his divinity and relationship with the Father.
Mar 19
Each encounter mentioned in John's Gospel teaches us something new about the one amazing Gospel message. Studying these divine appointments has been such a blessing to us at The Journey!
Mar 16
"It is a dreadful thing, when the correction and mercy of Divine love wearies itself with a main in vain. You that are sick, write over your beds, who you rise up from them in renewed health, - 'Behold thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee'"
Mar 8
The lessons we'll learn in the story of Jesus healing the Official's son (John 4:43-54) are crucially significant for us to understand while living in this fallen world. This story of affliction needs to be cataloged in the mind of every believer to be remembered during the inevitable moments of affliction that we will face.
Mar 1
I'd have to agree with Ryle here in 2013 as well. Join us in prayer that we would experience Samaritan Woman type conversions at The Journey this Sunday. If you missed last week, below is a link to last weeks message to prepare your heart.
Feb 26
Here are some Journey Group opportunities. We invite you to come willing to invest in others for the sake of the gospel and it's proclamation.
Feb 16
Worship this weekend at The Journey Church of Marietta!
Feb 15
The Scripture for this Sunday deserves special attention from devout Bible readers. These passages contain the last testimony of John the Baptist. Ministry fame often corrupts and inflates the egos of once faithful communicators, but it is NOT so with this man. The way to true honor is to be humble. No man was talked up more by Jesus than the man who spoke, "I must decrease."
Feb 8
This Sunday we're discussing what is perhaps the most mentioned scripture in the history of Christianity, no big deal. Some argue that there has been more written over John's Gospel than any other book of the Bible, and with content we see in chapter 3 it's no wonder.