Feb 10
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
This Sunday we’re starting a new teaching series through the book of Hebrews! There’s always something special about the first Sunday of a new study. Gathering on that first Sunday always renews an excitement in my heart to teach God’s people. However, this weekend feels a little awkward though doesn’t it? Here we sit in a stay-home order that’s sure to last the entire month of April. I don’t like that we can’t physically gather, it’s not ideal. I’m not cut out to be a YouTube-preacher and I miss seeing your faces more than you know. All that being said, I’m no less excited to study through this season together!
Keep ReadingFeb 10
Feb 2
What's my point in this little economics lesson? The standard of measurement that you use matters! In this week's scripture lesson from Hebrews, the author provides a number of practical instructions for Christian living. By worldly standards, most of these would be of little concern? Why would anyone care much about my level of hospitality towards others or my concern for prisoners? Many people wouldn't think twice about my sexual purity or my fidelity to my wife. Moreover, most people would encourage me to get as much wealth and "stuff" as I can...YOLO! And don't even get me started on how we view our leaders...or the example that many of them set! My point is simply that for most of us, these are personal and private issues. They are of little or no concern to anyone else. What I do with my own life is my business and apart from doing something illegal, no one has any right to tell me I'm wrong.