Merry Christmas Journeyers! On the 23rd together we’ll open up a gift from God, The Gospel according to John.

          As we continue to grow in this infant stage of church we’re going to feed on the abundance of nutrients that overflows from this gospel.  Our time in 1 Timothy was so profitable in gaining a biblical perspective to our purpose and focus as a church.  I feel as though now a transition into John will give us the Jesus teaching, Jesus circumstances, Jesus examples, and Jesus truth that every believer and church so desperately needs in their journey to honor God.

          Written by a disciple of Jesus, in John we find the "cliff notes" on the life of Christ and the "encyclopedia brittanica" of what these events mean to our lives.  Set apart from the synoptic gospels, John plucks 20-21 days out of the life of Christ to compel his readers to examine the evidence of Christ’s life, put faith in His works, and live a life led by God the Holy Spirit.

[30] Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; [31] but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

(John 20:30-31 ESV)

          There is a TON of books and commentary written on John due to the wealth of wisdom and doctrinal significance that one finds when reading it.  There’s certainly no shortage of sources to examine and opinions to consider when studying this book.


Author & Pastor J.C. Ryle writes in his commentary on John:  “It contains a large portion of our Lord Jesus Christ’s doctrinal teaching.  It abounds in “deep things of God,” and “sayings of the King,” which we feel instinctively we have no line to fully fathom, no mind to fully comprehend, no words to fully explain… I can truly say that I have commented on these verses with fear and trembling.”


          We invite you to join us as we go into this new season of worship at The Journey.  We also invite you to pray with us that we may grow in wisdom and a deeper love for God’s word.  I pray that our time spent in this book of the Bible would change us forever and bring glory to Jesus Christ.


For the King,

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Cody Parman

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