The story of the Samaritan Woman is yet another Jesus-encounter that has proved too big for one Sunday sermon.  With that said, we'll be taking John 4:27-42 this coming weekend.  The conversion and testimony of this one sinful Samaritan woman set forth a chain reaction - the results of which we see immediately as well as later in the book of Acts. 

"How much astonishment every fresh conversion occasions!  What surprise is expressed at the change in a heart, life, tastes, and habits of the converted person!  What wonder is felt at the power, the mercy, the patience, the compassion of Christ!  It is now as it was eighteen hundred years ago.  The dealings of Christ are still a marvel both to the church and to the world." - J.C. Ryle

          I'd have to agree with Ryle here in 2013 as well.  Join us in prayer that we would experience Samaritan Woman type conversions at The Journey this Sunday.  If you missed last week, below is a link to last weeks message to prepare your heart.

The Samaritan Woman (Part 1) John 4:1-26 - 2/24/13

I'm so excited for this weekend at The Journey!

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Cody Parman