This Sunday we're discussing what is perhaps the most mentioned scripture in the history of Christianity, no big deal.  Some argue that there has been more written over John's Gospel than any other book of the Bible, and with content we see in chapter 3 it's no wonder.

Johnquicklinkpng.PNG"A fuller sermon was never delivered than that which was here preached to Nicodemus in one evening!  There is hardly a single important point in divinity which is left untouched!" - J.C. Ryle

"It's the Bible in miniature." - Martin Luther 

     I'm so curious as to how many souls have been brought to Christ from the proclamation of these words since they were penned so many years ago.  We invite you to pray and study with us that those staggering results would continue this Sunday at The Journey. 

     Here is last week's podcast, Nicodemus (Part 1) John 3:1-8, to prepare your heart for the upcoming passages.

I can't wait for Sunday!

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Pastor Cody

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