Journey to The Journey

Case For AM     "The millennium is a thousand years of peace that Christians love to fight about." 

     That's a saying that I've heard from several authors now in my study of eschatology up to this point and WOW is it ever true, Ha!  Nevertheless, my fascination with this discussion (for the sake of peace I'll call it a discussion and not a debate) has continued to burn with interest.  This book is one that I've chewed on for a couple of months and has really challenged me on how I view several end-time passages.

     In Kim Riddlebarger's book "A Case For Amillennialism: Understanding The End Times" you'll find an intriguing argument for his millennial view.  Riddlebarger was actually a dispensationalist for the majority of his life but changed his stance after determining for himself that amillennialism had an overall more compelling argument.  With that said, his book might have been more appropriately named "Here's why I think dispensationalists have it wrong"  I don't say that to take anything away from the value or worthwhileness of Riddlebarger's book, I just felt like I was studying issues concerning dispensationalism more than amillennialsim.  To be fair, this seems to be the nature of eschatological resources, you can't just say why your interpretation is superior you have to convey why other eschatological views are inferior!

     Dispensationalist or not, this book is worth your while.  This book can either tighten up how you defend dispensationalism or it will help you dismantle it.  Overall, Riddlebarger knows we're on the same team and his book is a more than polite & healthy read.  The section of this book that interested me the most was Part 2 where Riddlebarger discusses how one is to interpret Old Testament prophecies in light of what New Testament authors say about them. 

Riddlebarger_Kim1Here's the layout of Riddlebarger's book:

Part One
Chapter 1:  Defining Our Terms
Chapter 2:  A Survey of Eschatological Views
Chapter 3:  How Do We Interpret Bible Prophecy?

Part Two
Chapter 4:  The Covenantal Context of Old Testament Eschatology
Chapter 5:  These Things Were Foretold
Chapter 6:  According To The Prophets
Chapter 7:  Christ and the Fulfillment of Prophecy
Chapter 8:  The Nature of New Testament Eschatology
Chapter 9:  The Kingdom of God
Chapter 10:  The New Creation, the Israel of God, and the Suffering Church
Chapter 11:  The Blessed Hope: The Second Advent of Jesus Christ

Part Three
Chapter 12:  Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Chapter 13:  The Olivet Discourse
Chapter 14:  Romans 11: Is There A Future For Israel?
Chapter 15:  Revelation 20:1-10: A Thousand Years

Part Four
Chapter 16:  Some Concluding Thoughts


I pray that this resource challenges you as it did me,

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Cody Parman


Related Posts On End-time Resources:

 - Eschatology For Your Earbuds

 - 40 Questions About the End-Times (Eckhard Schnabel)
Debates on the Millennium (Piper, Wilson, Storms, Hamilton)

 - These Last Days, A Christian View of History (various authors)
Are You Ready for the End of Time? (J.C. Ryle)

 - Kingdom Come (Sam Storms)

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