October 26, 2014

Sola - Part 3: Sola Fide

Speaker: Cody Parman Series: 5 Solas Topic: Faith Scripture: Romans 3:21– 4:8

Part 3 - Faith Alone

Questions discussed in this sermon:

1. Is faith a work in and of itself?

2. What does it mean to have faith?

3. Why is an understanding of Solus Christus essential to understanding Sola Fide?

"No other doctrine so illustrates the sinfulness of man and the futility of his efforts to save himself.  No other doctrine so glorifies Christ as the sole ground of our salvation.  No other doctrine so establishes the security of the believer in Christ.  Hence, no other doctrine is so vital to biblical preaching and effective ministry." 
- Terry Johnson

other sermons in this series

Nov 9


Sola - Part 5: Soli Deo Gloria

Speaker: Cody Parman Scripture: Romans 11:33–36 Series: 5 Solas

Nov 2


Sola - Part 4: Sola Gratia

Speaker: Cody Parman Scripture: Romans 8:29–30 Series: 5 Solas

Oct 19


Sola -Part 2: Solus Christus

Speaker: Cody Parman Scripture: Luke 18:9–14 Series: 5 Solas