Join us this Sunday for the conclusion of one of the most well-known stories in all of scripture.  In this passage we learn the purpose behind Christ's intentional delay and the reason for the afflictions permitted in the lives of those whom Christ loves.  We'll also once again see the authority and power Jesus has been given in his relationship with the Father.

Homepage Quicklink - John SpringD.A. Carson writes, "Though it is not John's point, it has often been remarked that the authority of Jesus is so great that, had he not specified Lazarus, all the tombs would have given up their dead to resurrection life."

     If you missed the first half of this incredible passage with us last week due to serving then simply click below to prepare your hearts for this Sunday's worship.

Part 30 - Jesus Was Glad To Be Too Late (John 11:1-27)

See you this Sunday in our new chairs at the Odyssey!

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Cody Parman

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