Now is great time to start coming to The Journey!  We're currently studying one of the most talked about books of the Bible, Revelation.  Last week we discussed the purpose behind this apocalypse and this Sunday we'll get into John's first vision (Revelation 1:9-20).  This particular passage brought so much hope to the persecuted Christians of the 1st century.  That same hope is made available to us through God's word here in this fascinating book!

Revelation Quicklink     Douglas F. Kelly writes that this passage rightly orders the priorities of it's first century hearers as well as ours today:  "When the issues of death and eternity are settled, so that the heart is resting in union with the Lord, then terrible issues such as poverty and persecution are second place, not first place, for He alone 'the first and the last' has the highest priority in our thoughts and affections."

If you missed Part 1 of this series then simply click below:

Revelation (Part 1) - 1:1-8 "The Blessing"

Eager to preach this Sunday!

Cody Parman

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