I'm a little giddy about the passage that I get to preach on this Sunday.  This climactic moment that takes place with Jesus at the feast of booths is probably my favorite event in John up to this point.  The celebratory meaning behind the last day of this festival combined with Christ's BOLD pronouncement give us striking details as to how the Old Testament points to Jesus as the messiah. 

    Homepage Quicklink - John SpringIn this text (John 7:37-52) John's gospel will also continue to teach us more about the trinitarian role of the Holy Spirit.  In addition to this John paints a more corrupt picture of the infamous Pharisees and their evil desires to silence Jesus. 

     "As much as the Pharisees before had blustered, they dared do nothing to Jesus: they became still and silent.  He goes up to the feast meek and silent, and returns home with glory.  They go up with triumph and come down weak." - Martin Luther

If you missed last Sunday's message and introduction on the Feast of Booths then simply click below to prepare your heart for this Sunday's Scripture.

Part 21 - Sovereign Timing (John 7:25-36)

I'm pumped for this Sunday at The Journey!

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Cody Parman

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