Journey to The Journey

     I need to be reminded of God's grace often and that's why this book was such a blessing to me.  Seriously, I preach about God's amazing grace every week of my life from the pulpit and yet I'm still so sinfully prone to think I can graduate beyond it's profoundness. 

    One Way Love If you're in a spiritual funk, you need to be reminded of God's grace.  If you're at a crossroads in life, you need reminded of God's grace.  If your marriage is falling apart, you need to be reminded of God's grace.  If you're experiencing stress & frustration like never before, you need to be reminded of God's grace. 

     However, let me remind you of the other times in which you need to hear about it.  If you're on top of your Christian "game" you need to be reminded about God's grace.  If the relationships in your life are better than ever you need to be reminded about God's grace.  If your "act" is together like never before then you need to be reminded of God's incredible grace. 

     There is NEVER a point in your life in which God's grace shouldn't SHOCK you!  Author Tullian Tchividjian not only has a ridiculous amount of consonants in his last name but also delivers a message that so many people are desperate to hear. 

TullianOne of my favorite quotes from the book: "The one-way love of God frees us from the oppressive pressure to perform, to the slavish demand to "become."  God is not waiting for us to do or not do something in order to unlock His love.  The Gospel declares that in Christ, we already are everything we need to be."


Here's the layout of Tullian's book:

Chapter 1:  An Exhausted World
Chapter 2:  How I Almost Killed My Mother
Chapter 3:  Confessions of a Performancist
Chapter 4:  I Fought The Law (and the Law Won)
Chapter 5:  Ex-Convicts, Failed Disciples, and One-Way Love
Chapter 6:  The Unexpected Benefits of Hugging a Cactus
Chapter 7:  Grace In Everyday Life
Chapter 8:  An Offensive Gift
Chapter 9:  Objections to One-Way Love
Chapter 10:  The End of To-Do Lists


I'd encourage you to read it and then gift this book to somebody you care about,

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Cody Parman

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