7 signs to Jesus as Messiah in John

          John by no means presents an exhaustive list of all the miracles that Jesus accomplished during his earthly ministry.  We see in the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) that many more miracles are recorded.  However, John reveals the purpose and strategy behind his Gospel in John 20:30-31.

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”


Image and video hosting by TinyPic1. Water Into Wine (John 2:1-11) - Jesus honors his earthly mother’s request to aid these poor people and their wedding celebration.  He also honors his Father’s blessing of marriage as He celebrates the joining of one man and one woman in marriage--marriage that God ordained in the Garden of Eden.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic2. Healing The Official’s Son (John 4:46-54) - Jesus shows his concern for both the child and the father as well as His authority and power over sickness.  Jesus heals the child and displays incredible compassion to the official.  It should also be noted that Jesus heals the child from a distance without having to be in the child’s presence.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic3. Healing The Invalid (John 5:1-17) -Jesus heals a totally helpless and hopeless man to show His authority and power over humanly untreatable physical conditions.  Taking place on the Sabbath this sign shows to the religious rulers that He is Lord of the Sabbath.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic4. Feeding The Multitude (John 6:1-14) - Jesus shows that God is the provider.  Note the contrast between Jesus feeding the multitude as against Satan tempting Jesus in the desert to command the stones to become bread.  Here Jesus ministers to these people who are seeking God, bringing God glory with provisions.  Jesus turning the stone into bread would have denied God and glorified self and Satan.  This miracle in John brings God glory and provides sustenance to God’s people just as God provided sustenance to the children of Israel in the Wilderness.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic5. Walking On Water (John 6:16-21) - Jesus shows his authority and power over creation and nature itself.  Jesus is Lord of Creation.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic6. Healing The Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41) – Jesus heals for God’s glory and also frees the man’s parents and the man himself from any false sense of guilt that they are somehow responsible for the man’s blindness.  This healing is a metaphor for the fact that God calls believers out of spiritual blindness into His light.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic7. Raising Lazarus (John 11:38-44) - Jesus shows that He has authority and power over death but also that Jesus is the Giver of resurrection life.  Jesus says of Himself: "I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11:25)



We pray this snapshot of the signs in John blesses you,

Journey Research Team

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