Journey to The Journey

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It's time to get back in a rhythm, it's one of my favorite things about the fall! We have several opportunities during this semester of ministry to disciple and build community with people of The Journey Church. We know there are many factors for you to consider when choosing a group: geographical location, what's being taught, who's teaching, childcare, etc... With that said, below is a list of several opportunities to celebrate the gospel, live in community with other believers and grow in your knowledge of Scripture with our church. Shop around, contact the leaders and ask as many questions as you need until you find the right fit!

Our Jr High Journey group collectively decided they want to see how many shoe boxes they can fill for Operation Christmas Child this year! They've officially asked for the help of our congregation in gathering supplies that they will then put together to ship overseas. Let's help this group of middle schoolers do something awesome for His kingdom!

Here are some Journey Group opportunities. We invite you to come willing to invest in others for the sake of the gospel and it's proclamation.