Journey to The Journey

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Several doors opened and several doors shut during our search for a launching location. However, God is faithful and we feel as though He has led us to just the right spot! We couldn't be more excited to start here and feel as though this location will greatly assist our proclamation of the Gospel in the Mid-Ohio Valley.

We don't want the story of The Gospel to be the hidden agenda of The Journey, but rather the blatantly explicit one. I would argue that this Gospel-focused agenda, though it's necessary, is a hard mindset to maintain. So many distractions exist within church cultures. We see Gospel centrality as a crucial hope for The Journey Church of Marietta.

This hope is a two-for-one special. To put it simply, we hope The Journey is a place where people can learn about who Jesus is and what He has done. We also hope this church plant can be a place where people can pick back up on something they may have left in the past.

Isn't this ridiculously important for a church to believe? Without this component we're left to speculate, guess, or pick-and-choose what we believe about God and who He really is. In other words, without Scripture we make the rules and boundaries in which God exists. If we behave with this assumed authority then we may as well admit we're our own god. That or go ahead and carve an idol out of a piece of wood just the way you want and like it, right?

We have specific hopes at The Journey as we honor the Great Commission and Commandment of Jesus. These 4 hopes (though they're certainly not the only hopes) have been in our thoughts during our launch phase and are what we long to see as we pre-launch this church.